AHA! Project

Alternative Media Gathering

artist pick up

remember 3rd monday



16/07/2007 remosports

remo's last event in the Festival Gate!

remo has launched the activities since 2002.

Due to the closing of the Festival Gate on the 31st of July, our activities here will come to an end. We've already embarked on the next project. Then we'll have a one-day party at this juncture of the end and the rebirth.

We call this party [remosports] - phalanx of media and activities(activism) as remo promotes the "body-training" to handle media.

REMO DESK July 16, 2007 | permalink



14/07/2007 Toshikazu and Hiroshi MIYAMOTO [Not there; here] - in collaboration with the late grandfather, Toshikazu MIYAMOTO -

The Installation of old film and sound related to family of the artist, Hiroshi Miyamoto.

I create "a warehouse of memories" recorded in various media using 10 video projectors, FM radio waves and daily objects. Visitors can take a part of memories
to home. Please bring a portable FM radio you have (if you have).

- Old photographs sometimes impress us when seeing them
- It could do because you find the common thing with those photographs.

This project is composed of installation works about The Miyamoto Family and their stories.
I interweave my film, photographs and sound are interwoven with the home movies and the family albums recorded by my late grandfather Toshikazu into a work of art. In those records, both of us capture the people close to ourselves and landscapes around our house. That is to say, the memories of the family are recorded.

_ For instance, face. voice, and body of the self, lifestyle, memories in childhood. expectation to the future
_ you might realize something taken for granted, but something important through our work.

Dates: Friday, 6th to Saturday 14th July 2007 15:00-21:00

Admission free

REMO DESK July 14, 2007 | permalink

remember 3rd monday



21/06/2007 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd Monday is a presentation that takes place on the 3rd Monday of every month. The presentations at remo are open from 19:00 to 21:00 to visitors and anyone who would like to present their works for free.
Works should be submitted 10 days before the 3rd Monday of the month. Submitted works are informed before remember 3rd monday through mailing list and the website.
It also serves as a platform for discussion with viewers and creators after the screening.
Also, we set up the new programme "remoscope", whose works are along with the Lumiere rules. (please see the conditions below)

Date: Monday, 21st June 2007, 19.00-

Guests: Markuz Wernli Saito (Photographer/Designer)/ Tetsu Kubota (Lecturer/ CSCD- Osaka University)

REMO DESK June 21, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up




16/06/2007 [What is "so what?"] & [SUZUKI Atsushi vs remoscope]

Suzuki will have an artist talk entitled "what is [so what?]” (in Japanese) and join-in screening “Suzuki Atsushi vs remoscope" where visitors bring their own video work, watch together and talk. We describe remoscope events as "haiku salon"

Bring your works!
- remoscope video (followed by the Lumiere Rules: Maximum 1min./ Fixed Camera/ No Sound/ No Zoom/ No edit/ No effect)
- video works within 5 minutes

REMO DESK June 16, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up


01/06/2007 SUZUKI Atsushi [so what? 001-300] and [Osaka Hakkei (8 landscapes of Osaka)]

Atsushi Suzuki, living in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka presents the video series entitled "so what?" including 300 short pieces, as well as his new works“8 Landscapes of Osaka”.
The "so what?" video series consists of simple short pieces Suzuki captures from ordinary landscapes and scenes in daily life. These seemingly casual video works are filled with humour, comicality, melancholy, loneliness and beauty hidden in human behavior and nature Suzuki pursues. Suzuki's worldview will give us the opportunity to rediscover the world and to have diverse viewpoints through “so what?” series. We strongly recommend people who are not so keen on video art. Once you see, you cannot take eyes off Suzuki's worldview represented in his humane works!

REMO DESK June 1, 2007 | permalink

remember 3rd monday



21/05/2007 remember 3rd monday

Date: Monday, 21st May 2007, 19.00-

Special Guest: Takuro Iwabuchi (Artist/Writer)

Admission Free

Screening works:  
"end credits of the world" 10min.Takuro IWABUCHI, 10min.   
"Test work for Exhibition in Nara" Palla(Kazuhiko KAWAHARA) 20min.
"Untitled" Yuichi MATSUDA 3min.
"Red Ninja" 6min.
"Bath Project" 3min.
"Alien Strings" 3min. Charles BILLARD

REMO DESK May 21, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up


live performance

19/05/2007 HACO x Chie Matsui Live Performance + talk/ Bar Da*vide

Live performance by HACO and talk between MATSUI and HACO.
HACO has just released the new album [RISKA] whose CD cover will be produced by MATSUI. Bar da*vide is also open.

REMO DESK May 19, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up



05- 20/05/2007 Screening: Chie Matsui Video Works 2000-2007

Screening Matsui's past video works, including her latest work. The MEM Gallery also exhibits her drawings from 2000 to 2006 between 17 April to 17 May.
go to MEM's website.

dates: Saturday, 5th to Sunday 20th May 2007, 15.00-21.00
(open only: Fridays to Saturdays)

REMO DESK May 5, 2007 | permalink

Alternative Media Gathering


14/04/2007 Minimal Circuit of Straggle - Movement - media - Community

What is the media evoking the power that make each indidual's "politics" possible, withdrawing thecrystal of activity and strength, in other words, minimal circuit of struggle from individuals? How are community, politics and movements connected? This is the first talk based on social movements in Latin America between 2 spirited controversialists.

Date: Saturday, 14th April 2007, 18.30- (open 18.00)

Takashi SAKAI (Assistant Professor/ Osaka Prefecture University)
Jun HIROSE (Lecturer/ Ryukoku University)

REMO DESK April 14, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up

live performance

06/02/2007 open lab

Nishikawa, a musician and a PA engineer, Okunari will be in session with video works of palla (Kawahara, Kazuhiko) featured in the ongoing exhibition "artist pick up". It is an experiment how the new sound will work on palla's works applied classical music so far.

Date: Tuesday, 6th february 2007, 20.00-

Video: palla (Kawahara, Kazuhiko)
Sound: Nisikawa Bunsho/ Okunari, Hitoshi

REMO DESK February 6, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up


22/01/2007 Bar*DaVide

The genius artist unit, Rogues' Gallery(Yasuhiko Hamachi and Yukihisa Nakase) representing Osaka known for their work "GASOLINE MUSIC AND CRUISING", are also enthusiastic video collectors. Rogues' Gallery and remo launch the study group and bar with the axis of their collection- the open-wide, deep, dazzling world of moving image.

Date: Monday, 22nd January 2007, 17.00-22.00

Owner: Rogues' Gallery and remo

admission free

REMO DESK January 22, 2007 | permalink

artist pick up


12/01-18/02/2008 artist pick up: Ayako Yoshimura / palla (Kazuhiko Kawahara)

remo featured Canadian, Australian video artists in the past artist pick up
programmes. The last programme selected 2 Japanese artists- Ayako Yoshimura and palla (Kazuhiko Kawahara).

Yoshimura is currently living in Amsterdam NL. In her video work "place - a city"
hundreds of still images shot from observatories in 6 different cities [Tokyo,
Yokohama, Shanghai. Sao Paulo, New York, and Chicago] joined together and presents
one anonymous and homogenized cityscape, which is deleted particularities;
landmarks, traffic, and signals.

palla, an award-winner of New Cosmos of Photography, captures the unstable,
ambiguous zone- "the lost boundaries area" he calls, concealed in urban cities. You
hardly imagine that only one photograph is manupilated and transformed into such visionary moving images. It should be noted that his works are generated from not only by his idea, but also by online comments left on his website: www.pallalink.net
Besides, large-scale photographic work is exhibited in the remo space.

Cityscapes on their perspective could be a "contemporaty landscape paintings" in the mixture of beauty and distortion existing in our living cities.

Dates: Friday, 12th January to Sunday, 18th February 2007, 15.00-21.00
[open: Thursdays- Sundays]

REMO DESK January 12, 2007 | permalink