remember 3rd monday




15/12/2003 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd monday is the place for free presentation of moving images by applicants who registered on the 3rd Monday of every month. Anyone can show works, and anyone can see those works. After the screening, There is a time to communicate with applicants and audience.

Date: Monday 15th December 2003, 19.00- 21.00 (Registaration 17.30- )
Admission free

REMO DESK December 15, 2003 | permalink




13/12/2003 New Visionaries 09 Optical Toys -From Japanese Magic Lantern To Toy Movi

Natsuki Matsumoto as a lecturer will give a talk about Japanese optical culture and history from the 1600s to the 1900s. Besides, there will be the screening with magic lantern in Edo period and with home movie projectors such as 9.5mm movie projector " Pathe Baby".

Date: Sunday, 13th December 2004, 15.00- 17.00
Talker: Natsuki Matsumoto

Admission: 1000 yen / 700 yen (student)
Host organization: Osaka-city / Osaka City Promotion Association

REMO DESK December 13, 2003 | permalink



30/11/2003 IMI Art documentary Open workshop 01

Open lecture of art documentary class of IMI (Integration Visual College).

Date: Sunday, 30th November, 2003 13.00- 17.30
Lecturer: Yasushi Kishimoto (Director of Ufer ! Art Documentary)

Admission: 500 yen

REMO DESK November 30, 2003 | permalink

remember 3rd monday




17/11/2003 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd monday is the place for free presentation of moving images by applicants who registered on the 3rd Monday of every month. Anyone can show works, and anyone can see those works. After the screening, There is a time to communicate with applicants and audience.

Date: Monday 17th November 2003, 19.00- 21.00 (Registaration 17.30- )
Admission free

REMO DESK November 17, 2003 | permalink



09/11/2003 lecture*OuterLimits_SoundAct_004 - Present and future of Non-Mainstream Music after the 90s

Talk between Atsushi Sasaki and Marutani. They will trace the non-mainstream music scene after the 90s to talk the future trend.

Date: Sunday, 9th November 2003, 14.00

Atsushi Sasaki (Critic/ Director of HEADZ/FADER)

Koji Marutani (Composer/ Director of Digital Narcis Co,.LTD)

Admission: 800 yen

REMO DESK November 9, 2003 | permalink



29/10/2003 [Breaker Project 04] Urban Concern 2

Presentation by Franck Bragigand, the artist.
Date: Wednesday, 29th October 2003, 19.00
Talker: Franck Bragigand

Admission: 500 yen

Host Organization: Breaker Project Executive Committee/ Osaka-city/ Osaka City Promotion Association
Support: Centre Franco-Japonais Alliance Francaise
Curation: Nov Amenomori

REMO DESK October 29, 2003 | permalink

artist pick up



26/10-09/11/2003 [New Visionaries 09 screening program] dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y

dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y directed by Johan Grimonprez is a documentary film, which consists of collage of TV news reports of past international hijacking and terrorist attacks such as above. His peculiar sampling technique was sensational in documenta X, and “hijacked” people’s attention in other art festivals around the world. It is even said that is placed the work which expects events of the September 11th. The release of dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y with Japanese subtitles and his directed art book leads to the premiere screening in the Kansai(Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto) area. Notably, the talk between the director, Johan Grimonprez and the media critic, Tetsuo Kogawa is scheduled on Sunday 26th.
Sunday, 26th October 2003, 16.00-
Screening: 16:00- / Talk: 17:00

Monday, 27th, Friday, 31st October 2003
Saturday, 1st, Sunday 2nd, Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November 2003.    

Artist: Johan Grimonprez
Talker(on the 26th): Tetsuo Kogawa (Media Critic)
Host organization: Osaka city/ Osaka City Promotion Association
Direction: NPO remo/ New Visionaries Study Group

REMO DESK October 26, 2003 | permalink

remember 3rd monday




20/10/2003 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd monday is the place for free presentation of moving images by applicants who registered on the 3rd Monday of every month. Anyone can show works, and anyone can see those works. After the screening, There is a time to communicate with applicants and audience.

Date: Monday 20th October 2003, 19.00- 21.00 (Registaration 17.30- )
Admission free

REMO DESK October 20, 2003 | permalink



07-21/03/2003 The 14th ART-EX boris achour [mist]

The exhibition by the French artist, Boris Achour, who is staying in Osaka for artist-in-residence- The 14th ART-EX.
During his stay, he had a series of workshops with 5 Japanese dancers to examine "the relation between motion of body and the space in a shopping mall" They actually had their performance in a shopping mall for video installation work.

Dates: friday, 7th to 21st March 2003, 15.00-21.00 (Final day: 12.00-17.00)  
(Closed on Wednesdays)

Admission Free

REMO DESK March 7, 2003 | permalink