
remo has moved again!

remo has moved from Shinosaka to Suminoe, Osaka. It's about 20 min.train ride from Nishi-Umeda Station on Yotsubashi Line. The space, "Corp Kitakagaya", formally the funiture factory, is going to be shared with the architects collective, dot architects in August, and more in the future.
Now we are working on some maintenance by ourselves for opening.
We'll keep you posted!

5-4-12 Kitakagaya, Suminoe-ku
Osaka 559-0011 JAPAN

approx. 5 min. walk from Exit 4 of Kitakagaya Station/Y-20 [Osaka City Subway/ Yotsubashi line ]

+81 (0) 6 6686 5757

REMO DESK April 1, 2009 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)