artist pick up


23/06-01/09/2008 media gym 2008 private school on mondays

Bubu de la Madelaine, an artist, will open school every Monday. Her representation is explored through physical performance, moving image and text. In the first term, we are calling for anybody who are creating the works, or who want to create works. It consists of presentation and a joint review with participants to explore what is the vital point to work as a professional of expression.

Mondays, 19:00-21:00 (10 classes/term)
23rd, 30th June/ 7th, 14th, 21st July/ 4th,11th, 18th, 25th August
Final workshop at Futuro, Minami Horie on 1st September.

Navigator/ Instructor: Bubu de la Madelaine

REMO DESK June 23, 2008 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)

Alternative Media Gathering



06, 14, 23/06/2008 Alternative Media Gathering 08

Alternative Media Gathering 08 goes on to September 2008.
The gathering consists of 3 parts:

- Alternatives of Moving Image: From info tour to camp
- Alternatives of Books (reading)
- Alternative Media Party

REMO DESK June 6, 2008 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)