remember 3rd monday

21/08/2006 remember 3rd Monday

remember 3rd Monday is a presentation that takes place on the 3rd Monday of every month. The presentations at remo are open from 19:00 to 21:00 to visitors and anyone who would like to present their works for free. Works should be brought in on the 3rd Monday of the month. It also serves as a platform for discussion with viewers and creators after the screening.
Also, we set up the new programme "remoscope", whose works are along with the Lumiere rules. (please see the conditions below)

Date: Monday, 21st August 2006, 19.00 (submitting works from 17.30)

REMO DESK August 21, 2006 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)

artist pick up


14/08/2006 Bar*DaVide

The genius artist unit, Rogues' Gallery representing Osaka known for their work "GASOLINE MUSIC AND CRUISING", are also enthusiastic video collectors. Rogues' Gallery and remo launch the study group and bar with the axis of their collection- the open-wide, deep, dazzling world of moving image. Come to the bar, and you'll know the secret of the bar name.

Date: Monday, 14 August 2006 17.00-22.00
Owner:Rogues' Gallery(Yasuhiko Hamachi and Yukihisa Nakase) + remo

Admission free

REMO DESK August 14, 2006 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)