30/09+01/10/2005 [World Video Lounge] b-books, Germany

Screening compiled by b_books, Germany.

Friday, 30th September 2005, 19.00
Saturday, 1st October 2005, 17.00-


Admission: 700yen

REMO DESK September 30, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)

remember 3rd monday




19/09/2005 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd Monday is a presentation that takes place on the 3rd Monday of every month. The presentations at remo are open from 19:00 to 21:00 to visitors and anyone who would like to present their works for free. Works should be brought in on the 3rd Monday of the month. It also serves as a platform for discussion with viewers and creators after the screening. Also, we set up the new programme"remoscope", whose works are along with the Lumiere rules.

Date: Monday, 19th Sepember 2005, 19.00- (Submitting works are open from 17.30)

Admission Free

REMO DESK September 19, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)