remember 3rd monday




18/07/2005 remember 3rd monday

remember 3rd monday is a presentation that takes place on the 3rd Monday of every month. The presentations at remo are open from 19:00 to 21:00 to visitors and anyone who would like to present their works for free. Works should be brought in on the 3rd Monday of the month. It also serves as a platform for discussion with viewers and creators after the screening. Also, we set up the new programme"remoscope", whose works are along with the Lumiere rules.

Date: Monday, 18th July 2005, 19.00- (Submitting works are open from 17.30 )
Admission Free

REMO DESK July 18, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)

Alternative Media Gathering



17/07/2005 Alternative Media Gathering with Indymedia Open Meeting

Indymedia (IMC) is a international network of grassroots media groups
comitted to a juster global society. Inoficcial motto - 'know the media,
change the media be the media.' Anyone can post their news, commentary and
announcements on the newswire. The administrative process (by volunteers!)
is as transparent, democratic and open as possible.

At this open meeting, you can learn about how to use IMC resources, how it
works (and what doesn't work ;-) ) and help shape IMC Japan. Whether you
have used IMC, want to join the core team, or have never heard about it and
are just curious, you are welcome!

There'll be presentations on IMC what, why and hows, and on open publishing.
In a mini-workshop, we will publish some media items right on the spot, so
if you have any news, announcements, images or audio-visuals you want to
publish, bring them (CD or flash memory/USB stick is best). The open meeting
will finish with a discussion. Discussion, critique and participation are
the most important things for such a media commons to work, so please join.

After the open meeting, there will be a core volunteer meeting to discuss
recent issues such as the editorial policy. (Anyone is welcome to observe.)

Date: Sunday, 17th July 2005, 15.00-

What is Indymedia?

Admission: 500yen

REMO DESK July 17, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)

artist pick up


16/07/2005 New Visionaries 13 Talk by Manuel Saiz

Manuel Saiz, an artist, based in Barcelona and London, organizes screenings as a member of Video Foundation. He gives a lecture about his ongoing project "Video Dictionary" and 25 hrs, the screening held in 2002, as well as Comtemporary art scene in Barcelona.

Date: Saturday, 16th July 2005, 17.00-19.00

Guest: Manuel Saiz (Spain/UK)

Admission: 500yen

REMO DESK July 16, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)


live performance

09+10/07/2005 Movie Listening!

Audio-visual performance by the artist, Kyota Takahashi with a 3 piece band PAAP whose album was released from John Zorn's label“Tzadik”, and Dai Soma(Yudaya Jazz) from Tokyo.
Takahashi's works are ranged from interior/ exterior installations to live performances in collaboration with sound and dance. Improvised images will be created from his original visual equipment ”VISION SCROLLER". Furthermore, Soma will reconsruct Takahashi's images and PAAP's sound in his performance.
Don't miss this session in heat by artists who dare to be particular about non-digital expressions!

Saturday, 9th and Sunday, 10th July 2005, 20.00- (open 19.30)

Kyota Takahashi
Dai Soma(Yudaya Jazz)

PAAP [Makoto Inada(Contrabass),Yasuhisa Mizutani(sax) Koichiro Katori(piano)] 

Admission: 1500yen

REMO DESK July 9, 2005 | 固定リンク | トラックバック (0)